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Bryan High School Hi-Life Staff - Spring 1979

From left - row one - Lora Manon, Chuck Cox, Mark Winegardner, Ellen Baltosser (Hi-Life Advisor), Ron Phipps, Wendy Babb; row two - Brad Coleman, Charlene Herman, Roberta Walker, Wally Koch, Dina Bishop, Pam Lorentz, Holly Spangler; row three - Tony Shockley, Derrick Smith, Dan Jackson, Steven Trueman, Steve Saneda, Deb Hey.  Also starring the blue hooptee wagon.

If you recall, this was the favorite hang-out for the Hi-Life staff during all of those 'excused' trips to the Bryan Times.  Also, this was the newest big thing in Bryan circa 1977 - a bona fide McDonalds in Bryan.  What a glorious time to be alive . . . then a hamburger cost you 15¢ and soon after the dietary habits of children would be changed forever when the Happy Meal made its first appearance in 1979!


Bryan High School Hi-Life Staff - Christmas '78

These members of the HI-LIFE staff pause to bask in the snow. From left, Jeff (What are these fools doing?) Wetmore, Mark (The Bionic Swimmer) Winegardner, Dan (Hit the Surf) Jackson, Wendy (Are you sure this is legal?) Babb, Ronald B. (Spaz) Phipps, Wally (Thank you fans) Koch, Bert (Snow Bunny) Walker, Derrick (Just going along with the crowd) Smith, Deb (Faceless) Hey, Lora (If you've got it, flaunt it) Manon, Tony (Sun 'n' Fun) Shockley, Steve (Sure, I do this every day) Trueman, Holly (Life is just a bowl of mangoes) Spangler, Steve (Last night I saw an elephant in my pajamas) Saneda, Brad (How he got in my pajamas, I'll never know) Coleman, and Chuck (I'm above it all) Cox.

Bryan High School Class of 1979, Bryan, Ohio 43506  |  Site Maintained by BHS Class of '79  | Contact Us